(F) - available for futures.
(S) - available for shares.
Not Specified - Available for Futures and Shares.
Top Button Panel items description
link - activation of the synchronization function of the symbol selected in the market watch with the current symbol in another VolFix window. To quickly switch tickers in several windows with one click on the desired instrument in the market watch.
Control Panel elements description
Ticker - ticker input field.
Contract (F) - field for selecting a contract of the entered ticker.
Setup items description
Font Size - selection of the font size.
Text - select the color of text values.
Volume - select the color of the volume column.
Cash (S) - select the color of the column for the money representation of the volume.
High / Low - select the color of the Low and High columns.
Time - select the color of the Time column.
Background 1 - select a background color for the first separators.
Background 2 - select a background color for the second separators.
Selection - selection of the color of the selected row.
Price Up - select the color for displaying the price when it rises.
Price Down - select the color for displaying the price when it goes down.
Price Flat - select the color for displaying the price for a new trade without changing the price.
Empty Line - select the font color for the separator line.
Header Text - select the color of the column names.
Header Background 1 - Selects the first color for the gradient of the column cells.
Header Background 2 - Selects the second color for the gradient of the column cells.
Apply - apply settings.
Restore Default - reset all settings to default values.
Settings description (setup - settings)
Symbol Lookup - opens the instrument search window and adds them to this Market Watch window.
Stop Local Alerts - disable notifications in this window.
Desktop - call the Desktop window, which allows you to configure switching between sets of windows.
Change columns - window for configuring displayed columns.
Price - displays the Price column.
Volume - displays the Volume column.
Cash (S) - displays the Cash column.
Net Change - displays the Net Change column.
% Change - Displays the% Change column.
High - Displays the High column.
Low - Displays the Low column.
Time - displays the Time column.
M / W Settings (Market Watch) - opens the Market Watch window settings.
Save Symbol List - saves the current symbol list. When saving a sheet, it can also be loaded from the main Market Watch window.
after saving the first sheet, new items appear:
Load Symbol List - load a saved sheet from the list of saved sheets.
Delete List (name) - delete the current sheet.
Hide Control Panel - hide or show Control Panel.
Stay On Top - enable or disable displaying windows on top of other windows.
Market Watch columns description
Symbol - a column showing the symbol's ticker.
Price - a column showing the current price.
Volume - a column showing the current volume.
Cash (S) - a column showing the current volume in monetary terms.
Net Chg - a column that displays the current price change as the difference between the current price and the open price.
% Chg - a column showing the current price change as a percentage of the open price.
Low - a column showing the lowest price for the session.
High - the column showing the highest price for the session.
Time - a column showing the time of the last trade.
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