Below is a detailed description of the Traders Rating module.
Top Button Panel
Registration -button for setting your own nickname.
Chart - button for displaying the chart of deals for the selected account.
setup - settings button.
window - button to switch open windows, more details here(will be available soon).
Apply - data download button. It can be activated by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Enter.
Control Panel
Accounts Group - the group by which the display is performed.
All - display all accounts.
Self - display your own accounts.
Sim - display all simulated accounts.
Live - display all live accounts.
Exchange - the exchange by which traders will be displayed in the rating. By selecting All, the accounts of traders on which transactions were made on any available instruments will be displayed. By selecting Symbol, you will need to indicate in the appeared field the ticker by which the display will be performed.
All - display all accounts on which there were transactions on any of the available instruments.
Symbol - ticker for sorting traders' accounts displayed in the rating. By selecting Symbol setting, the All setting in Exchange becomes inactive.
Date - временной промежуток для загрузки данных, после нажатия кнопки Apply.
Traders rating table
# - sorting by number in the rating.
Nick - sorting by nicknames in the rating.
Account - sorting by accounts of traders in the rating.
Trades - sorting by the number of closed trades.
Winning Trades - sorting by the number of profitable trades.
Losing Trades - sorting by the number of losing trades.
Closed P&L - sorting by the closed P&L
Open P&L - sorting by the open P&L.
Total P&L - sorting by the total P&L.
P & L,% - the ratio of P&L to the account balance in %.
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