The Global Settings -> Chart Update Interval sets how often the chart graphics are updated and studies are calculated.
Enter the value in milliseconds. Using a higher value will reduce CPU usage. However, the chart will update slower. Using a lower value will increase CPU usage. However, the chart will update faster. This setting does not affect the speed at which data is stored, it is stored tick by tick without any gaps. All trades received are displayed.
The Chart Update Interval provides for very efficient use of the CPU, and prevents lags. Using a very short update interval may require a fast CPU.
Using too short of an update interval, like 50 milliseconds or less on a large number of charts, may have the effect of causing a lag of data received because the load that VolFix will present to the CPU may be too high preventing network data from being process timely.
You will know if the Chart Update Interval setting is too fast if the CPU usage of VolFix, as reported in the system Task Manager, is near to the limit of a single core. For example, if your system has 8 cores, the maximum core percentage will be 12.5 percent as reported in the Task Manager. If you see the VolFix process at the maximum or higher percentage for a single core, then it is presenting the maximum load to the CPU. Although VolFix does use multiple threads, so you can see at certain times, a percentage which is higher than what a single core will use. Most of the time this will not be the case though.
If you encounter any problems with a short Chart Update Interval, increase it. Do not contact support about issues arising from too short of a Chart Update Interval.
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